Thursday, 31 March 2011

What's happening for Mothering Sunday

This Sunday, 4th in Lent is Mothering Sunday. At Stoke Bliss we're holding an All Age Family Service at 9.30a.m.  There'll be flowers for children to distribute and a  treasure hunt.

For those for whom "All Age" doesn't hit the spot, there'll be an 8.30a.m.  Holy C0ommunion service at Kyre.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

What do you eat?

A generation or so ago our staple diet was meat and two veg. Over the years we’ve discovered other dishes that give sustenance, pizza, stir fry, chicken tikka masala, chow mein...
Similar changes have happened with what nourishes us spiritually. A generation ago it was Book of Common Prayer, either Matins or Communion, and the King James Version of the bible.  Now there’s Common Worship, Iona Services, Spring Harvest, TaizĂ©.... 
At a recent meeting of the PCCs we thought about whether the current “menu” of worship we offer is adequate. The current pattern is a communion service using modern language as the main (often only) service in the churches on a Sunday.  The PCCs asked for a greater variety and number of services and asked the churchwardens to come up with a rota.  After discussion the wardens came up with the following pattern which will be introduced from the beginning of May.

1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
8.30 am
Traditional language Holy Communion Eastham
Traditional language Holy Communion Kyre
Traditional language Holy Communion Stoke Bliss
Traditional language Holy Communion Rochford

10.00 am
All Age Family Worship Stoke Bliss
All Age Family Worship Hanley William
All Age Family Worship  Eastham
Contemporary  language Holy Communion  Hanley William
Contemporary  language Holy Communion   Kyre
3.30 pm

All Age Family Worship Rochford (winter)
Contemporary  language Evening Worship Hanley Childe (winter)

6.30 pm

All Age Family Worship Rochford (summer)
Contemporary  language Evening Worship Hanley Childe (summer)

This pattern will be reviewed at the end of the year. There is nothing too exotic in the menu being offered and we hope it provides sustenance!

Monday, 7 March 2011

"It's not for you"

Those were the words as I was handed a gift on sunday. It's not for you, it's for your puppy. 

It's not just me that locals have gone out of their way to welcome.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What can be done at short notice

I had a conversation the day before yesterday about what we could do to support Fairtrade Fortnight.
In that time we've organised a venue, arranged for someone to do refreshments, arranged for a variety of fair trade goods to be on sale....

All we need is for people to turn up.