Thursday 6 June 2013

Try it for yourself.

Since I moved my internet to Airband I have had any number of people asking me about it. Does it work? Is it reliable?  Can you really use it for your phone as well?  Is it expensive? Is the firm that supplies it helpful

And from my experience I can answer “yes” to all those questions.  But the best thing you can do is to try it for yourself and make the experience your own by trusting Airband to deliver what they promise.

Just like Christian faith. I can answer questions. Does faith help with the muddle of life? Can it support in the difficult times? Does it give meaning and purpose?  

Here too, from my experience I can answer “yes” to all those questions.  But that is no substitute for making the experience your own.   A decision to trust not Airband but God enables us to experience Christian faith. God delivers on his promises.

And the Eternity Wide Web has to be  a more important connection!

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