Monday 16 August 2010

What goes round comes round

The service to licence me as Priest in Charge is Sunday 7th November. I thought that as it's bonfire weekend we could follow the service with a bonfire celebration. I imagined that I was coming up with an innovative idea - something new and different.
However I've recently got hold of some old copies of the Parish Magazine and to my suprise I see that when, after restoration work, Hanley Childe Church was reopened in November 2000 the service was accompanied by a bonfire party!

I should have remembered the words of Ecclesiastes
Is there anything of which one can say,
"Look! This is something new"?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.

And perhaps that's a good way of understanding church ministry - looking to see what has already been done, what has worked in the past and what can be tweaked to work in the future. I think there's somethjing about rediscovering what has served the church in its 2000 year history and looking to see what will work in the future.


  1. Dear Team Valley Vicar,

    Very nicely put. However, I still think its a good idea. After all, might as well start in a big blaze of glory.

    I'm knitting a nice bobble hat even as I type this.

    Mavis Waterbutts

  2. Knitting and typing at the same time! That is what I call multitasking!
